Camp Daggett COVID Response Plan

This COVID Response plan is designed to address regulations as stipulated in the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affair’s (LARA) “Guidelines for Camp Operations During COVID-19,” last revised 4.14.21. As conditions change, so too can regulations, guidelines, and orders and this plan will be updated to reflect any changes.

Before Camp

Pre-Screening of Campers and Staff

All camper families will be emailed a 14-day symptom screening document that must be filled out daily and brought to camp at registration. This form will ask camper families to monitor their camper for common symptoms of COVID-19, including:

  • Temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher
    · Sore throat
    · Cough (for campers with chronic cough due to allergies or asthma, a change in their cough from baseline)
    · Difficulty breathing (for children with asthma, a change from their baseline breathing)
    · Diarrhea or vomiting
    · New onset of severe headache, especially with a fever

Pre-Camp Testing of Campers and Staff

Per recommendations by the State of Michigan, all campers and staff should receive a PCR-based COVID-19 test three to five days before coming to camp. Campers presenting a positive PCR test result,  that was conducted within 14 days of their first day of camp will receive a full refund of all fees paid.  The PCR test needs to include the name of the camper along with the Positive test results.  This can be sent to

Even with a lack of symptoms and/or a negative test result, all campers and staff should self-isolate as much as feasible before coming to camp. Campers should continue to follow all state, local, and national guidelines on facial coverings, social gatherings, and physical distancing to decrease their chance of exposure to COVID-19 before camp.

Monitoring for COVID-19 at Camp

The presence of any of the symptoms below generally suggests a child has an infectious illness and should not attend camp, regardless of whether the illness is COVID-19.

  • Temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher
    · Sore throat
    · Cough (for campers with chronic cough due to allergies or asthma, a change in their cough from baseline)
    · Difficulty breathing (for children with asthma, a change from their baseline breathing)
    · Diarrhea or vomiting
    · New onset of severe headache, especially with a fever

Responding to Suspected and Confirmed Cases

Campers with Symptoms

Camp will arrange testing for a camper presenting with any of the symptom identified above. The camper presenting with symptoms will be isolated in the Seqouia cabin until transportation to a local testing facility can be arranged or until an authorized adult can pick the camper up.

Suspected cases with negative or no testing required

If a camper tests negative for COVID-19 or a test was not advised by a medical professional due to the cause of the symptoms being identified, the camper may return to camp once symptoms improve and they have been fever free for at least 24 hours without the use of medicine that reduces fevers. If the camper is unable to recuperate at home, the camper may remain in isolation at Camp Daggett until the above conditions are met. If a test is not done and another cause for symptoms is not identified, the camper should stay home (or in isolation at Camp Daggett) until they:

  • Have been fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of medicine that reduces fevers AND
  • Other symptoms have improved AND
  • At least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared.

Campers testing Positive for COVID-19

Current guidelines for the isolation period for campers testing positive for COVID-19 exceed the length of a camping session at Camp Daggett. Campers who have a confirmed positive case of COVID-19 will be isolated at Camp Daggett until a parent or other authorized adult can pick them up.

Campers exposed to COVID-19

If a camper was exposed to COVID-19 within the past 14 days, current MDHHS guidelines recommend they quarantine for 14 days, even with a negative test result and follow all instruction from the local health department.  If symptoms appear at camp, the camper will be immediately isolated.


If a camper develops symptoms suggesting COVID-19, that camper’s family will be notified of symptoms. If possible and timely, a camper’s parent or authorized individual may pick up the camper for testing and/or further evaluation otherwise Camp Daggett will arrange for testing and evaluation by medical personnel.

Should a positive test be confirmed while a camper is attending Camp Daggett, we will work closely with the Health Department of Northwest Michigan to notify campers who may have been exposed to the positive individual.

Camper Drop Off

Families will be asked to check in between certain times based on their last names. To encourage physical distancing, we will only be allowing one adult to accompany each camper during the check-in process. If multiple adults accompany a camper to camp, we ask that they please remain in their vehicle. All individuals must wear a facial covering during check-in, regardless of any other factor. Individuals with a medical exemption to face masking are asked to remain in their vehicle and notify camp staff for an accommodated check-in.

During check in, families will be asked to submit their pre-camp screening questionnaire. We will also confirm that campers:

  • Have not been in close contact with a person who has COVID-19
  • Have not felt unwell in the last 24 hours (a fever of 100.4 degrees or above or signs of fever (chills/sweating) vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, sore throat, new uncontrolled cough that causes difficulty breathing, new onset of severe headache)?

Camp Daggett staff will make a visual inspection of campers for signs or illness which could include flushed cheeks, rapid breathing or difficulty breathing (without recent physical activity), fatigue, or extreme fussiness, and confirm that the camper is not experiencing coughing or shortness of breath. Staff will perform temperature checks on all campers. Thermometers will be cleaned and disinfected between uses.

Additional, there will be no camp store available during check in.

Camp Programming

The vast majority of traditional activities at Camp Daggett will be able to be conducted as normal. Our staff will work to ensure that all activities that campers participate in follow recommendations to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Activities outdoors will be prioritized, with facial coverings needing to be worn by all when physical distancing is not possible or would be inconsistent. Generally, contact between campers of different cabins will be limited so that campers not in the same cabin or brother/sister cabin group do not spend more than 15 minutes in any 24 hours in close contact with one another.

In cabins, bunk beds will be spaced so that 6 feet of physical distance can be provided between campers’ heads, while bunk mates will be arranged in a head-to-toe fashion. Camp-outs will be modified, with campers potentially returning to their cabin in the evenings due to the lack of physical space available within a tent.

Facial Coverings

The use of face coverings will be required by all campers and staff when inside buildings, and when outside and unable to maintain physical distance from one another pursuant to state regulations. Exceptions include when campers are sleeping, eating meals, or swimming. While at camp, there may be conditions that do not lend themselves to masking (i.e. very warm or humid times), so physical distancing and/or program modification will be required.

All campers are requested to bring with them five clean, washable cloth facemasks. Camp Daggett will monitor camper face mask usage, and will develop a procedure for laundering soiled masks as needed. Disposable masks will also be made available to those who need them. Campers will also receive a Camp Daggett mask upon arrival. It will be helpful for campers to label their masks with their names before arrival. All masks should include two or more layers or washable, breathable fabric and fit snugly over the mouth and nose. Masks with exhalation valves, neck gaiters, bandanas, and face shields are not acceptable.

Campers with medical conditions that preclude the use of a facial covering are required to provide documentation from a physician indicating that a mask cannot be worn.

Campers and their families unfamiliar with wearing a facial covering can review information from the American Academy  of Pediatricians here.


When possible, all dining will be done outdoors. Campers and staff will eat by cabin group. Each cabin group will be separated by at least 6 feet of space between tables. In the event that weather conditions do not permit outdoor dining, cabins will eat inside or in other covered areas, ensuring that 6 feet of space is still available between cabins. This may necessitate the service of meals in shifts. Meals will continue to be served family-style, with the counselor of the cabin handling communal items.

Cleaning and Hygiene

Hand Washing and Personal Hygiene

Proper handwashing procedure will be stressed with campers and staff. This includes washing hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.  When handwashing is unavailable or impracticable, an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol will be used. Maintenance staff will frequently check and refill hand sanitizer and soap dispensers.

 Cleaning and Disinfecting

  • Frequently touched surfaces (including light switches, door handles, playground equipment, benches, bathrooms) will be cleaned and disinfected at least daily with either an EPA-approved disinfectant or diluted bleach solution.
  • Common areas will receive a daily deep clean (for example, sinks, bathrooms, doorknobs, tabletops, and shared items) using CDC best practices
  • Outdoor areas will receive normal routine cleaning, but do not require disinfecting. High touch surfaces made of plastic or metal, such as grab bars and railings will be cleaned routinely. Cleaning and disinfection of wooden surfaces (play structures, benches, tables) or groundcovers (mulch, sand) is not recommended. Cleaning products will not be used near campers, and staff will ensure that there is adequate ventilation when using these products to prevent children or themselves from inhaling toxic fumes.

Shared equipment/items from home will be limited when possible, or cleaned between use. Items from home should ideally be stored in an individual storage space for each camper. When not practical, items from home shall be separated per their assigned small group and separate from other small groups. Shared equipment will be cleaned between uses.



Camper Pick Up

A similar strategy to drop off will be employed. Families will be assigned a time to pick up their campers with only one adult meeting their camper. We ask that once the camper and their adult are together, that families please move along in the checkout process.  The camp store will also not be open during pick up.


While this plan provides an overview of Camp Daggett’s plans for this summer, we know there will be changes as we get closer to the beginning of summer camp. We will post frequently asked questions and their answers as part of this document. This plan will be posted on our website and updated as needed. We will also email any major changes to camper families as the need arises.

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